Atul Ltd 2020-21

Serving the society I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble. - Helen Keller EDUCATION • P rovided quality primary education to 5,655 children in 75 villages through trained Atul Adhyapikas • Supported 1,746 students through enhancement of educational practices in Kalyani Shala • Supported 187 students by improving educational practices in a tribal school • Distributed writing materials to 3,778 students of 34 schools in 17 villages • Provided computer education facilities to 183 students in a primary school EMPOWERMENT • Trained 255 students in 13 vocational courses • Trained 122 tribal farmers in beekeeping • Created livelihood opportunities for 125 tribal families by improving the breed of their cows • Supported 121 microentrepreneurs by providing training and toolkits • Generated employment for 22 women from two villages near Atul, through Urmi For the Founder of our Company, Kasturbhai Lalbhai, work for business stopped at 12 noon; thereafter, it was work for society. He considered fulfilling needs of the poor as a command of God and believed that humanity sustains on service and cooperation. Ever since its incorporation in 1947, our Company has nurtured this legacy; in fact, it guides and inspires us. • Conducted science workshops for 2,045 students of 14 primary schools • Supported 104 students by developing a computer lab in a Sanskrit college • Provided speech therapy to 21 special children • Supported digitalisation and creation of a portal to conserve about 80,000 ancient manuscripts • Provided scholarships to six needy students 16 Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2020-21