Atul Ltd 2020-21

HEALTH • Supported 4,777 children to develop nutrition gardens in 135 villages • Developed 1,000 nutrition gardens and 120 creeper vegetable gardens in four villages of Kaprada benefitting 5,600 people • Conducted 18 anaemia awareness sessions for 1,655 children in association with nine schools and two primary health centers • Organised 21 blood donation camps in 15 villages; 2,586 units of blood were collected • Organised an eye camp benefitting 490 patients; 407 patients were provided with spectacles INFRASTRUCTURE • Developed seven model anganwadis in five villages benefitting 175 children • Constructed a white-topping road in Atul village • Installed paver blocks in five villages • Renovated two schools, benefitting 2,164 students • Constructed toilet blocks in three primary schools and a co-operative society RELIEF • Provided kits of essential items to families of 125 special children from 51 villages • Provided financial assistance to 68 needy and critically ill patients • Distributed grocery kits and other essentials to 3,887 families from 27 villages • Distributed farm kits to 68 farmers in a village • Supported three hospitals with medical equipment to treat COVID-19 patients CONSERVATION • I nitiated a solid waste management project, Ujjwal Atul • Conducted 69 awareness activities to educate people about the importance of solid waste management • Planted 3,531 trees to preserve biodiversity • Converted 39,500 kg of wet waste into organic fertiliser • Supported deepening and desilting of two water bodies under Sujalam Sufalam Jal Sanchay Ab hiyan in two villages 17 Corporate Overview 01 - 21 Statutory Report 22 - 87 Financial Statements 88 - 229