Atul Ltd 2020-21

194 Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2020-21 ( ` cr) Note 22 Revenue from operations 2020-21 2019-20 Sale of products 3,633.15 3,954.29 Sale of services 1 45.28 55.48 Scrap sales 7.99 9.50 Commission received 0.01 0.20 Processing charges 9.54 8.30 Revenue from contracts with customers 3,695.97 4,027.77 Export incentives 35.50 65.29 3,731.47 4,093.06 1 Includes ` 43.53 cr (2019-20: ` 53.30 cr) on account of freight and insurance in sale of goods on CIF, which are identified as separate performance obligation under Ind AS 115. Disaggregation of revenue from contracts with customers ( ` cr) Particulars 2020-21 2019-20 Sale of goods | services Life Science Chemicals 1,204.36 1,230.45 Domestic 642.93 650.51 Export 561.43 579.94 Performance and Other Chemicals 2,598.38 2,940.71 Domestic 1,455.47 1,554.19 Export 1,142.91 1,386.52 Others 48.48 36.83 3,851.22 4,207.99 Inter-segment revenue 155.25 180.22 3,695.97 4,027.77 Reconciliation of revenue from contracts with customers recognised at contract price ( ` cr) Particulars 2020-21 2019-20 Contract price 3,734.33 4,078.30 Adjustments for: Consideration payable to customers - discounts 1 (31.98) (52.92) Contract price allocated to unsatisfied performance obligation for sale of services (net ) 2 (6.38) 2.39 Revenue from contracts with customers 3,695.97 4,027.77 1 Consideration payable to customers like discounts and price reductions offered to customers are estimated on specific identified basis and reduced from the contract price when the Group recognises revenue from the transfer of the related goods or services to the customer and the entity pays or promises to pay the consideration. 2 Unsatisfied performance obligation for sale of services comprises revenue from insurance and freight services for exports in-progress as at March 31, 2021, of ` 10.11 cr, net of revenue recognised for such services for similar contracts in-progress as at March 31, 2020, for ` 3.73 cr. The revenue for exports in progress as at March 31, 2021, will be recognised in 2021-22 upon completion of the exports. The Group has evaluated the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic resulting from i) the possible constraints to continue its operations and revisions in costs to fulfill the pending obligations ii) onerous obligations iii) penalties, if any, relating to breaches of agreements and iv) termination or deferment of contracts by customers. The Group has concluded that the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is not material based on the said evaluation. Due to the nature of the pandemic, the Group will continue to monitor developments to identify significant uncertainties relating to revenue in future periods.