Atul Ltd 2020-21

196 Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2020-21 ( ` cr) Note 27 Finance costs 2020-21 2019-20 Interest on borrowings 5.56 4.51 Interest on financial liabilities at amortised cost 1.33 0.97 Interest on others 2.00 3.30 Other borrowings costs 0.46 0.62 9.35 9.40 ( ` cr) Note 28 Other expenses 2020-21 2019-20 Power, fuel and water 309.27 372.95 Freight charges 94.00 127.83 Manpower services 34.36 34.15 Consumption of stores and spares 54.91 57.94 Conversion and plant operation charges 64.60 52.21 Plant and equipment repairs 71.20 78.00 Building repairs 34.82 42.48 Sundry repairs 9.51 11.02 Rent 1.79 2.19 Rates and taxes 1.84 1.51 Insurance 14.86 13.27 Commission 5.46 0.02 Travelling and conveyance 10.72 18.89 Payments to the Statutory Auditors 1.48 1.37 Payments to the Cost Auditors 0.03 0.03 Directors' fees and travelling 0.45 1.92 Directors' commission (other than the Executive Directors) 0.95 0.91 Bad debts and irrecoverable balances written off 0.62 4.66 Provision for doubtful debts (net ) 1.85 5.17 Loss on assets sold, discarded or demolished 0.95 0.41 Expenditure on Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives 12.86 10.09 Miscellaneous expenses 82.26 83.10 808.79 920.12 Note 29.1 Contingent liabilities ( ` cr) Particulars As at March 31, 2021 As at March 31, 2020 Claims against the Group not acknowledged as debts in respect of: i) Excise duty 0.82 0.37 ii) Income tax 8.56 6.65 iii) Sales tax | VAT 0.79 0.72 iv) Customs duty 1.94 1.94 v) Others 104.91 104.40 vi) Corporate guarantee 0.76 0.70