Atul Ltd 2020-21

198 Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2020-21 No. Name of the related party Description of relationship B S Mehta Non-executive Director S M Datta Non-executive Director V S Rangan Non-executive Director M M Chitale Non-executive Director S A Panse Non-executive Director B R Arora Non-executive Director Amal Ltd R Kumar Managing Director A R Jadeja Director S A Shah Director S Mahalakshmi Director Atul Bioscience Ltd C Prabhakar Managing Director A V Dangi Director P H Lele Director R R Iyer Director A S Lalbhai Director S R Tripathi Director Atul Europe Ltd E Sharkey Director J Collonge Director V Koppaka Director DPD Ltd A M Batra Director A Brackpool Director E Sharkey Director S N Pandya Director 09. Close family members of Key Management Personnel Vimla S Lalbhai Mother of S S Lalbhai Swati S Lalbhai Sister of S S Lalbhai Astha S Lalbhai Daughter of S S Lalbhai Saumya S Lalbhai Son of S A Lalbhai Nishtha S Lalbhai Daughter of S S Lalbhai 10. Welfare funds Atul Foundation Trust Entities over which Key Management Personnel or their close family members have significant influence Atul Kelavani Mandal Atul Rural Development Fund Atul Vidyalaya Trust Urmi Stree Sanstha Note 29.4 Related party disclosures (continued)