Atul Ltd 2020-21

226 Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2020-21 Note 29.17 Disclosure of additional information pertaining to the parent, subsidiary and joint venture companies as per Schedule III of the Companies Act, 2013 (continued) No. Name of the entity in the Group Net assets Share in profit or loss Share in other comprehensive income Share in total comprehensive income As % of consolidated net assets Amount ( ` cr) As % of consolidated profit and (loss) Amount ( ` cr) As % of consolidated other comprehensive income Amount ( ` cr) As % of consolidated total comprehensive income Amount ( ` cr) 03. Atul Deutschland GmbH 0.01% 0.37 (0.01%) (0.05) 0.03% 0.02 (0.00%) (0.03) 04. Atul Europe Ltd 1.00% 41.60 0.01% 0.08 4.28% 3.24 0.45% 3.32 05. Atul Ireland Ltd 0.00% (0.05) (0.01%) (0.05) - - (0.01%) (0.05) 06. Atul Middle East FZ LLC 0.04% 1.84 0.10% 0.68 (0.07%) (0.05) 0.08% 0.63 07. Atul USA Inc 0.77% 32.33 0.69% 4.60 (0.99%) (0.75) 0.52% 3.85 08. DPD Ltd 0.85% 35.32 1.41% 9.38 3.13% 2.37 1.58% 11.75 Joint venture company (investment as per the equity method) 01. Rudolf Atul Chemicals Ltd - - 1.09% 7.25 - - 0.98% 7.25 Joint operation 01. Anaven LLP 1.48% 61.83 (0.46%) (3.09) - - (0.42%) (3.09) Total (A) 100.00% 4,178.18 100.00% 665.96 100.00% 75.78 100.00% 741.74 a) A djustment arising out of consolidation (351.65) (10.20) 0.26 (9.94) b) N on-controlling interests 01. Amal Ltd 27.94 4.42 - 4.42 02. Atul Rajasthan Date Palms Ltd 2.02 (0.35) - (0.35) 03. DPD Ltd 0.66 0.19 - 0.19 30.62 4.26 - 4.26 Total (B) (321.03) (5.94) 0.26 (5.68) Grand Total (A+B) 3,857.15 660.02 76.04 736.06 Note 29.18 Events after the reporting period There was no significant event after the end of the reporting period, which requires any adjustment or disclosure in the Consolidated Financial Statements. Note 29.19 Authorisation for issue of the Consolidated Financial Statements The Consolidated Financial Statements were authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on April 30, 2021. In terms of our report attached For Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP For and on behalf of the Board of Directors Chartered Accountants Samir R. Shah T R Gopi Kannan R A Shah S S Lalbhai Partner Whole-time Director and CFO B S Mehta Chairman and Managing Director L P Patni V S Rangan Company Secretary Directors S A Lalbhai Managing Director B N Mohanan Mumbai Whole-time Director Atul April 30, 2021 and President - U&S April 30, 2021