Atul Ltd 2020-21

28 Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2020-21 Index No. Subject title Page 1. Conservation of energy, technology absorption and foreign exchange earnings and outgo 28 1.1 Conservation of energy 28 1.2 Technology absorption 29 1.3 Foreign exchange earnings and outgo 29 2. Subsidiary, associate and joint venture companies 30 2.1 Operational companies 30 2.2 Non-operational companies 31 3. Corporate social responsibility 32 3.1 Policy, programs and scope 32 3.2 Committee 32 3.3 Details of URL for disclosure of composition of the CSR Committee, CSR Policy and CSR projects on the website of the Company 32 3.4 Impact assessment 32 3.5 Details of the amount available and required for set-off 33 3.6 Average net profit of the Company 33 3.7 CSR obligation 33 3.8 CSR amount spent | unspent for the financial year 33 3.9 Details of unspent amount for preceding three financial years 36 3.10 Details relating to the capital asset created or acquired through CSR spent 36 3.11 Reason(s), if any, for not spending two percent of the average net profit 36 4. Secretarial Audit Report 37 5. Statement of particulars under Section 134(3)(q) and 197(12) of the Companies Act, 2013 40 1. Conservation of energy, technology absorption and foreign exchange earnings and outgo 1.1 Conservation of energy 1.1.1 Measures taken: i) Centralisation of utility facility for sulfa plants ii) Installation of VFD chiller and energy efficient cooling water pump with VFD-PT logic iii) Utilisation of 3-bar steam in place of 7-bar steam to increase electricity generation 1.1.2 Additional investments and proposals, if any, being implemented: i) Identification and implementation of renewable energy sources ii) Monitoring efficiency of utility generation features iii) Replacement of conventional agitators and pumps by energy efficient agitators and pumps Annexure to the Directors’ Report