Atul Ltd 2020-21

32 Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2020-21 3. Corporate social responsibility 3.1 Brief outline on CSR Policy of the Company Policy, programs and scope 3.1.1 Policy Atul will help enhance the quality of life of people belonging to the marginalised sections of the society and volunteer its resources to the extent it can reasonably afford to Atul Foundation Trust (AFT) and (or) other entities under its umbrella. The Foundation will particularly undertake projects in and around the locations where the Company operates. 3.1.2 Programs and scope Atul Foundation will take up projects and | or carry out activities under three broad programs: i) Education and Empowerment, ii) Health and Relief and iii) Infrastructure and Conservation with varied scope of work. i) Education and Empowerment a) Establish and | or support schools b) Establish and | or support colleges c) Establish and | or support vocational institutes d) Encourage sports e) Promote integrated development of tribal areas ii) Health and Relief a) Enhance rural hygiene and sanitation b) Establish mobile medical care facilities c) Organise medical camps d) Establish medical care centers e) Assist during natural calamities iii) Infrastructure and Conservation a) Protect environment b) Develop and | or maintain rural utilities c) Develop and | or maintain rural amenities d) Restore sites of historical importance e) Promote use of renewable resources 3.2 Composition of the CSR Committee: No. Name of Directors Designation | Nature of Directorship Number of meetings held during the year Number of meetings attended during the year 1. S A Panse Chairperson | Independent 1 1 2. S S Lalbhai Member | Non-independent 1 1 3. B N Mohanan Member | Non-independent 1 1 3.3 Details of URL for disclosure of composition of the CSR Committee, CSR Policy and CSR projects on the website of the Company: 3.4 Impact assessment (attach the report): not applicable