Atul Ltd 2020-21

36 Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2020-21 3.9 (a) Details of the unspent CSR amount for the preceding three financial years: ( ` lakhs ) No. Preceding financial year Amount transferred to the Unspent CSR Account under Section 135 (6) Amount spent in the reporting financial year Amount transferred to any fund specified under Schedule VII as per Section 135(6), if any Amount remaining to be spent in succeeding financial years Name of the Fund Amount Date of transfer - - - - - - - - (b) Details of CSR amount spent in the financial year for ongoing projects of the preceding financial year(s): ( ` lakhs ) No. Project ID Name of the project Financial year in which the project was commenced Project duration Total amount allocated for the project Amount spent on the project in the reporting financial year Cumulative amount spent at the end of reporting financial year Status of the project - completed | ongoing - - - - - - - - - 3.10 In case of creation or acquisition of capital asset, furnish the details relating to the asset(s) so created or acquired through CSR spent in the financial year: No. Detail Name of the asset a) Date of creation or acquisition of the capital asset(s) - b) Amount of CSR spent for creation or acquisition of the capital asset - c) Details of the entity or public authority or beneficiary under whose name such capital asset(s) is | are registered, their address, etc - d) Provide details of the capital asset(s) created or acquired (including complete address and location of the capital asset ) - 3.11 Specify the reason(s), if the Company has failed to spend two percent of the average net profit as per Section 135(5): not applicable Chairman and Managing Director Chairperson CSR Committee S S Lalbhai S A Panse