Atul Ltd 2020-21

47 Corporate Overview 01 - 21 Statutory Report 22 - 87 Financial Statements 88 - 229 2020-21 commenced with lockdown because of the COVID-19 pandemic that remained the single biggest threat throughout the year. HR function remained actively engaged with the entire workforce to ensure safety and smooth resumption of operations post lockdown including making appropriate arrangements and changes to facilitate ‘work from home’ for the concerned team members. People and culture are the cornerstones for building a company and for it to face the test of time. The Company took further initiatives to enhance i) its HR processes (particularly using technology) related to recruitment, performance management, learning and development, manpower planning and employee care and ii) work environment related to culture and code of conduct to manage a growing business (which comprises subsidiary, associate and joint venture entities). The Company is gradually broadening its online learning programs not only to enable its people to upskill and reskill for their roles, but also help them prepare for the changing landscape of work. The mandate is to be future-fit. The Company concluded a unique wage settlement with the workmen of Atul site (signed on April 22, 2021). A similar wage settlement with the workmen of Ankleshwar site was signed on November 20, 2018. Employee relations at all locations remained cordial. HR managers comprise those in the central team and those partnering with the different businesses | functions (including subsidiary, associate and joint venture entities). In addition, the Company regularly works with external experts for specific initiatives. During the fiscal, the number of team members increased by 82 from 2,907 to 2,991. HUMAN RESOURCES