Atul Ltd 2020-21

51 Corporate Overview 01 - 21 Statutory Report 22 - 87 Financial Statements 88 - 229 Skills | expertise | competence Name of Directors Commercial S S Lalbhai, S A Lalbhai, B N Mohanan Finance B S Mehta, V S Rangan, M M Chitale, S A Panse, T R Gopi Kannan Sales and marketing S M Datta, B R Arora, S S Lalbhai Science and technology S M Datta, B R Arora, B N Mohanan Domain industry B R Arora, S S Lalbhai General management S M Datta, S A Panse, B R Arora, S S Lalbhai Legal, including laws related to corporate governance R A Shah, B S Mehta, V S Rangan, M M Chitale, T R Gopi Kannan The Non-executive Directors are eminent professionals drawn from the above areas. Relevant details about the Board Members are as under: No. Name Directorship(s) in other company(ies)¹ Membership(s) of the Committee(s) of the Board(s)² Chairmanship(s) of the Committee(s) of the Board(s)² Chairman and Managing Director 01. S S Lalbhai 6 3 1 Managing Director 02. S A Lalbhai 2 - - Whole-time Directors 03. B N Mohanan 8 - - 04. T R Gopi Kannan 8 4 - Non-executive Directors 05. R A Shah 3 2 1 06. B S Mehta 1 - 2 07. S M Datta 5 2 2 08. V S Rangan 7 5 - 09. M M Chitale 6 4 3 10. S A Panse 3 2 2 11. B R Arora - 1 1 Mr S S Lalbhai and Mr S A Lalbhai are promoter Directors. Except Mr R A Shah, all other Non-executive Directors are Independent. 1 Excludes Directorships in foreign companies and private limited companies 2 In compliance with Regulation 27 of the Regulations, Memberships | Chairmanships of only the Audit Committees and the Stakeholders Relationship Committees of all public limited companies, including the Company were considered.