Atul Ltd 2020-21

59 Corporate Overview 01 - 21 Statutory Report 22 - 87 Financial Statements 88 - 229 3.4.2 Composition The Committee comprises the following Members: No. Name Designation 1. S A Panse Chairperson 2. S S Lalbhai Member 3. B N Mohanan Member 3.4.3 Meetings and attendance During 2020-21, one meeting was held. No. Name Total Attended 1. S A Panse 1 1 2. S S Lalbhai 1 1 3. B N Mohanan 1 1 The Board notes the minutes of the CSR Committee meetings. 3.5 Investment Committee 3.5.1 Role i) Approving capital expenditure proposals exceeding ` 5 cr, but not exceeding ` 25 cr each ii) Recommending to the Board for approval of capital expenditure proposals exceeding ` 25 cr each iii) Recommending to the Board acquisition, disinvestment and divestment proposals iv) Reviewing business strategies v) Reviewing progress of the approved projects 3.5.2 Composition The Committee comprises the following Members: No. Name Designation 1. R A Shah Chairman 2. B S Mehta Member 3. S M Datta Member 4. S S Lalbhai Member 5. B R Arora Member 3.5.3 Meetings and attendance During 2020-21, three meetings were held. No. Name Total Attended 1. R A Shah 3 3 2. B S Mehta 3 3 3. S M Datta 3 3 4. S S Lalbhai 3 3 5. B R Arora 3 3 The Board notes the minutes of the Investment Committee meetings. 3.6 Risk Management Committee 3.6.1 Role i) Coordinate its activities with the Audit Committee in instances where there is any overlap with audit activities ii) Monitor and review risk management plan (including plan for cyber security) iii) Monitor and review the process and progress of: