Atul Ltd 2021-22

90 Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2021-22 No. Initiative undertaken Details of the initiative Outcome of the initiative 7. Improve quality of effluent Treatment of phenolic compound at source Decrease in phenolic compound 8. Installation of multiple effect evaporator Providing multiple effect evaporator for high total dissolved solid (TDS) streams Decrease in TDS 9. Upgradation of one of the effluent treatment plants Treating Ammonical nitrogen Decrease in effluent load in CETP 7. Business continuity and disaster management plan: The Company has a disaster management plan included in the offisite and onsite emergency plan. Offsite emergency rehearsals as per the plan are conducted at periodic intervals decided by external authorities at Ankleshwar, Atul and Tarapur sites. 8. Significant adverse impact to the environment, arising from the value chain and their mitigation or adaptation measures: There is no significant adverse impact to the environment arising from the value chain of the Company. 9. Percentage of value chain partners (by value) that were assessed for environmental impact: 91% Principle 7: Businesses, when engaging in influencing public and regulatory policy, will do so in a manner that is responsible and transparent. Essential indicators 1. Affiliations with trade and industry chambers | associations Membership of | affiliation to 10 trade and industry chambers | associations No. Name Reach 01. Basic Chemicals, Cosmetics and Dyes Export Promotion Council of India National 02. Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry National 03. Federation of Indian Export Organisations National 04. Fragrances and Flavours Association of India National 05. Indian Chemical Council National 06. Indian Resins Manufacturers Association National 07. Society of Dyers and Colourists International 08. The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry National 09. The Indian Pest Control Association National 10. The Pesticides Manufacturers and Formulators Association of India National 2. Corrective action taken or underway on any issue related to anti-competitive conduct, based on adverse orders from regulatory authorities: Not applicable Leadership indicator 1. Advocacy of public policy positions: Not applicable.