Atul Ltd 2023-24

146 Annual Report 2023-24 Atul Ltd Trade payables ageing (` cr) No. Particulars As at March 31, 2024 Outstanding for following periods from due date of payment Unbillied Not due Less than 1 year 1-2 years 2-3 years More than 3 years Total 1. MSME - 47.67 7.48 - - - 55.15 2. Others 96.60 375.97 32.95 - - - 505.52 96.60 423.64 40.43 - - - 560.67 (` cr) No. Particulars As at March 31, 2023 Outstanding for following periods from due date of payment Unbillied Not due Less than 1 year 1-2 years 2-3 years More than 3 years Total 1. MSME - 40.15 - - - - 40.15 2. Others 94.80 328.53 67.32 - - - 490.65 94.80 368.68 67.32 - - - 530.80 (` cr) Note 19 Contract liabilities As at March 31, 2024 As at March 31, 2023 Advances received from customers 23.32 32.55 23.32 32.55 (` cr) Note 20 Other current liabilities As at March 31, 2024 As at March 31, 2023 a) Statutory dues 9.31 9.07 b) Others - 0.02 9.31 9.09