Atul Ltd 2023-24

Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements 167 Note 29.6 Employee benefit obligations (continued) b) Defined contribution plans Provident and other funds Amount of ` 17.45 cr March 31, 2023: ` 15.40 cr) is recognised as expense and included in Note 25 ‘Contribution of provident and other funds’. Compensated absences Amount of ` 3.52 cr (March 31, 2023: ` 4.08 cr) is recognised as expense and included in Note 25 ‘Salaries, wages and bonus’. Note 29.7 Fair value measurements Financial instruments by category (` cr) Particulars As at March 31, 2024 As at March 31, 2023 FVTPL FVTOCI Amortised cost FVTPL FVTOCI Amortised cost Financial assets Investments: Equity instruments1 - 801.76 - - 530.11 - Government securities - - 0.01 - - 0.01 Bonds 94.35 - - 112.74 - - Mutual funds 410.41 - - 172.42 - - Trade receivables - - 848.60 - - 893.86 Loans - - 72.25 - - 872.98 Security deposits for utilities and premises - - 2.22 - - 2.36 Interest - - 1.70 - - 2.07 Finance lease receivables - - 10.87 - - 11.89 Cash and bank balances - - 11.14 - - 3.09 Other receivables - - 17.25 - - 19.41 Total financial assets 504.76 801.76 964.04 285.16 530.11 1,805.67 Financial liabilities Borrowings - - 10.52 - - 5.41 Trade payables - - 560.67 - - 530.80 Security deposits - - 38.16 - - 35.98 Derivative financial liabilities designated as hedges (net ) - 0.11 - - 0.54 - Employee benefits payable - - 50.92 - - 42.77 Creditors for capital goods - - 43.57 - - 43.59 Other liabilities (includes discount payables) - - 7.43 - - 7.91 Total financial liabilities - 0.11 711.27 - 0.54 666.46 1Excludes equity investments in subsidiary, joint venture and associate companies | entities which are carried at cost and hence are not required to be disclosed as per Ind AS 107 ‘Financial Instruments Disclosures’.