Atul Ltd 2023-24

Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements 15 3. Corporate social responsibility 3.1 A brief outline of CSR Policy, programs and scope of the Company 3.1.1 Policy Atul will volunteer its resources to the extent it can reasonably afford to contribute towards enhancing the quality of life, thereby the standard of living of people, particularly the marginalised sections of the society. Essentially, the indicative beneficiaries are the needy, who are living below the poverty line in rural or urban areas, particularly where Atul is operating. The endeavour is to uplift them through the chosen programs (mentioned below) so that they can live with dignity and self-respect. 3.1.2 Programs and scope The Companywill take up projects and | or carry out activities under six broad programs: a) Education b) Empowerment, c) Health d) Relief e) Infrastructure and f) Conservation with varied scope of work. a) Education i) Establish and | or support educational institutions ii) Enhance education in rural areas iii) Support needy and | or meritorious students b) Empowerment i) Establish and | or support vocational training institutes ii) Promote sustainable livelihood opportunities for women and youth iii) Promote integrated development of rural | tribal areas c) Health i) Establish and | or improve medical care centers ii) Promote health, nutrition, hygiene and sanitation iii) Promote sports and fitness d) Relief i) Eradicate hunger and malnutrition ii) Support deserving | needy people iii) Provide support during natural calamities e) Infrastructure i) Develop and | or improve rural infrastructure ii) Develop and | or improve rural amenities iii) Develop and | or improve child-friendly infrastructure f) Conservation i) Conserve natural resources ii) Protect environment | flora and fauna iii) Protect and | or promote art and culture 3.2 Composition of the CSR Committee: No. Name of Directors Designation | Nature of Directorship Number of meeting held during the year Number of meeting attended during the year 1. Shubhalakshmi Panse Chairperson | Independent Director 1 1 2. Sunil Lalbhai Member | Executive Director 1 1 3. Bharathy Mohanan Member | Executive Director 1 1 3.3 Details of URL for disclosure of the composition of the CSR Committee, CSR Policy and CSR projects on the website of the Company: