Atul Ltd 2023-24

Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements 21 5. Statement of particulars under Sections 134(3)(q) and 197(12) of the Companies Act, 2013* Particulars Status a) R atio of the remuneration of each Director to the median remuneration of the employees of the Company for the financial year Number of times if total remuneration of the Director is considered if total remuneration of the Director, excluding variable pay and commission, is considered Rajendra Shah1 1.09 0.35 Bansi Mehta1 0.35 0.09 Susim Datta 2.65 0.61 Srinivasa Rangan1 2.43 0.53 Mukund Chitale 3.42 0.88 Shubhalakshmi Panse 4.64 1.14 Baldev Arora 5.80 1.51 Pradeep Banerjee 2.87 0.61 Rangaswamy Iyer1 3.69 0.79 Sharadchandra Abhyankar1 1.57 0.44 Sujal Shah1 1.57 0.44 Sunil Lalbhai 259.17 125.67 Samveg Lalbhai 79.04 34.78 Bharathy Mohanan 42.95 38.38 Gopi Kannan Thirukonda 57.54 51.47 b) P ercentage increase | (decrease) in remuneration of the Directors, the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Financial Officer and the Company Secretary, if any, in the financial year Directors % Rajendra Shah1 (66.47)% Bansi Mehta1 (92.95)% Susim Datta (28.72)% Srinivasa Rangan1 (17.74)% Mukund Chitale (29.04)% Shubhalakshmi Panse 37.55% Baldev Arora (7.60)% Pradeep Banerjee (2.55)% Rangaswamy Iyer1 NA Sharadchandra Abhyankar1 NA Sujal Shah1 NA Chairman and Managing Director Sunil Lalbhai (23.32)% Managing Director Samveg Lalbhai 0.83% Whole-time Director Bharathy Mohanan 4.21% Whole-time Director and Chief Financial Officer Gopi Kannan Thirukonda 5.46% Company Secretary Lalit Patni 18.44%