Atul Ltd 2023-24

Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements 23 The products falling under these product groups are used by customers belonging to the Agriculture and Crop Protection Chemicals industries. The product groups comprise 34 products and 43 formulations. 2,4-D, Indoxacarb and Sulfonylureaherbicidesare someof the key products. During 2023-24, sales decreased by 48% from ` 953 cr to ` 491 cr. Sales in India decreased by 27% from ` 218 cr to ` 160 cr. Sales outside India decreased by 55% from ` 735 cr to ` 331 cr. De-growth on Crop Protection - Bulk Actives Product groups: herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, others account of volume was 25%. The Company completed one project and undertook one project for implementation. Sales of crop protection chemicals in the world decreased from US$ 69.2 bn in 2022 to US$ 68.3 bn in 2023, due to contractions across various segments. Management Discussion and Analysis Key performance ratios UoM 2023-24 2022-23 Increase | (Decrease) Debtors turnover times 4.94 5.12 (4%) Inventory turnover times 7.10 7.42 (4%) Payable turnover times 6.35 7.27 (13%) Interest coverage % 348.00 447.50 (22%) Current ratio times 2.15 2.60 (17%) Operating profit margin % 16.18 17.89 (10%) Net profit margin % 8.95 11.04 (19%) Return on net worth % 7.96 12.40 (36%) Return on net worth has dropped in the financial year 2023-24, on account of reduction in profitability of the Company. There are no significant changes (25% or more as compared to the financial year 2022-23) in the key financial ratios except the one mentioned above. Atul Ltd identified two reporting segments, namely, Life Science Chemicals and Performance and Other Chemicals. Life Science Chemicals segment consists of three sub-segments, namely, Crop Protection, Pharmaceuticals and Intermediates and Aromatics - I. Life Science Chemicals segment Sales (` cr) 1,257 2023-24 1,715 2022-23 (27%) change Share in total sales (%) 29% 2023-24 34% 2022-23 (5%) change