Atul Ltd 2023-24

Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements 41 e) Identifying persons who are qualified to become Directors and who may be appointed in Senior Management in accordance with the criteria laid down, recommending to the Board their appointment and removal and carrying out an evaluation of the performance of every Director. f) Recommending | Determining remuneration of the Executive Directors | Senior Management Personnel as per the policy. 3.4.2 Composition, meetings and attendance The Committee comprises the following members. During 2023-24, two meetings were held: No. Name Designation Meetings entitled Meetings attended 1. Mukund Chitale Chairman 2 2 2. Rajendra Shah1 Member 1 1 3. Baldev Arora Member 2 2 4. Srinivasa Rangan2 Member 1 1 5. Shubhalakshmi Panse3 Member 1 1 1up to July 28, 2023 | 2effective June 01, 2023 up to December 13, 2023 | 3effective August 01, 2023 The Board notes the minutes of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee meetings. 3.5. Risk Management Committee 3.5.1 Role a) Coordinate its activities with the Audit Committee in instances where there is any overlap with audit activities. b) Formulate a detailed risk management policy. c) Monitor and review risk management plan (including a plan for cyber security). d) Monitor and review the process and progress of: i) risk identification and definition ii) risk classification iii) risk assessment and prioritisation iv) risk mitigation v) risk tracking | reporting mechanism e) Review periodically and suggest changes in the Risk Management Policy to the Board. 3.5.2 Composition, meetings and attendance The Committee comprises the following members. During 2023-24, two meetings were held: No. Name Designation Meetings entitled Meetings attended 1. Sunil Lalbhai Chairman 2 2 2. Bharathy Mohanan Member 2 1 3. Gopi Kannan Thirukonda Member 2 2 4. Baldev Arora Member 2 2 The Company Secretary and the Chief Assurance Officer are permanent invitees to the meetings. The Board notes the minutes of the Risk Management Committee meetings. 3.6 Stakeholders Relationship Committee 3.6.1 Role a) Considering and resolving grievances (including complaints related to the non-receipt of annual reports, non-receipt of declared dividends and transfer of shares) of security holders (including the shareholders, debenture holders and other security holders).