Atul Ltd 2023-24

26. Overview of material responsible business conduct areas Material area identified Mitigating actions Criticality Climate change Water management Waste management Validate targets using methods approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) Disclose science-based targets Develop a detailed decarbonisation plan Implement energy efficiency measures Switch from fuel to renewable energy Switch from purchased grid electricity to renewable electricity Explore carbon credit or offset mechanisms Include green chemistry principles to reduce hazardous waste Invest in solar dryers to reduce hazardous waste Continue with persistent efforts to extract value-added products from waste stream Convert waste to raw materials Include sustainability parameters throughout the R&D process Decrease emissions, effluent and waste Recycle plastic waste Convert domestic waste to manure Conduct internal and external water audits Develop a comprehensive monitoring mechanism Implement rainwater harvesting projects to augment supply at watershed level Explore opportunities to use benign solvents instead of water Switch to waterless technologies for cleaning the vessels Use greywater for toilets Install process & steam condensate recovery system Recycle water Customer relations Increase brand visibility Engage with customers through multiple channels Integrate customer needs into internal processes Improve customer satisfaction index Occupational health and safety Implement ISO 45001:2018 (occupational health and safety management systems) Initiate actions on zero harm Conduct assessments and audits Low Medium High Atul Ltd 56 Annual Report 2023-24