Atul Ltd 2023-24

Supply chain Energy management Risk management Digitalisation Information security and data privacy Build ESG capacity within critical suppliers (tier 1, 2) Develop a supplier assessment framework to assess policy, practices and performance on ESG Conduct on-site sustainability evaluation audits for critical suppliers. Develop third-party audit of suppliers along with reward and recognition Explore digital technology for transparency in supply chain Optimise routes and use fuel-efficient vehicles Use electric vehicles for warehouse Save energy through process efficiency and equipment redesigning Adopt high-efficiency equipment Improve waste heat recovery system Increase use of bio briquette | mass in power plant Increase captive power generation from wind and solar Increase use of renewable natural gas | compressed biogas Use Hydrogen Explore purchasing of renewable energy certificates | Green Tariffs Adopt ISO 31000 risk management standard Conduct digital value assessment (DVA) Implement key digital initiatives arising out of DVA Adopt ISO 27001 information security management system standard Human capital development and engagement Technology upgradation Implement learning and development initiatives Conduct qualitative performance management Integrate the principles of ‘Green Chemistry’ into manufacturing operations Explore novel technologies. Material area identified Mitigating actions Criticality Low Medium High Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements 57