Atul Ltd 2023-24

01. Percentage of research and development (R&D) spent and capital expenditure (CapEx) in specific technologies to improve environmental and social impacts of products and processes to total R&D spent and CapEx, respectively 03. Processes to safely reclaim products for reusing, recycling and disposing of at the end of life, for a) plastics (including packaging), b) e-waste, c) hazardous waste and d) other waste The Company follows the applicable processes laid down by the regulatory authorities. 02. a) Procedures for sustainable sourcing: The Company has procedures in place for sustainable sourcing. The URL to its responsible sourcing policy is: b) Percentage of inputs sourced sustainably: 92% 04. Applicability of extended producer responsibility (EPR) to the activities of the Company and whether the waste collection plan is in line with the EPR plan submitted to pollution control boards EPR is applicable to the activities of the Company and the waste collection plan is in line with the EPR plan submitted to the Central Pollution Control Board. R&D spent CapEx Improvements in yield in 15 products Reduction in consumption of raw materials in 17 products Reduction in consumption of solvents in four products and recovery of five value-added products from waste Commissioning of Process Engineering laboratory for chemical engineering research for process intensification. Installation of additional MEE, scrubbers, effluent treatment plants Introduction of additional steam condensate and energy recovery system Upgradation of fire alarm sensors and fire alarm system Other initiatives undertaken for a cleaner and safer environment 17% 37% Improvements in social and environmental aspects 18% 2023-24 19% 2023-24 Businesses will provide goods and services in a manner that is sustainable and safe. PRINCIPLE 2 Essential indicators 2022-23 2022-23 Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements 63