Atul Ltd 2023-24

Category 2023-24 2022-23 Total employees (A) Employees who are part of association(s) or unions (B) % (B/A) Total employees (C) Employees who are part of association(s) or unions (D) % (D/C) Permanent employees Male 3,092 294 10% 3,049 346 11% Female 163 - 0% 139 - 0% Total 3,255 294 9% 3,188 346 11% Category 2023-24 2022-23 Total employees (A) Skill training imparted (B) % (B/A) Health and safety training imparted (C) % (C/A) Total employees (D) Skill training imparted (E) % (E/D) Health and safety training imparted (F) % (F/D) Permanent employees Male 3,092 1,413 46% 2943 95% 3,049 1,337 44% 409 13% Female 163 146 90% 52 32% 139 19 14% 32 23% Total 3,255 1,559 48% 2995 92% 3,188 1,356 43% 441 14% 06. Grievance redressal mechanism for employees 07. Membership of employees in recognised association(s) or union(s) 08. Training given to employees The employees may register their complaints with the concerned immediate managers or the concerned HR managers. Category Details of the mechanism in brief Category Permanent managers Other than permanent managers Other than permanent workers Permanent workers Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements 67