Atul Ltd 2023-24

Category 2023-24 2022-23 Total employees (A) Employees who had a career review (B) % (B/A) Total employees (C) Employees who had a career review (D) % (D/C) Permanent employees Male 3,092 1,620 52% 3,049 1,620 53% Female 163 163 100% 139 139 100% Total 3,255 1,783 55% 3,188 1,759 55% 09. Performance and career development reviews of employees 10. Health and safety management system Implementation of occupational health and safety management systems Processes used to identify work-related hazards and assess risks on a routine and non-routine basis Coverage of such a system The Company has implemented ISO 45001:2018 management system standard environment, health and safety management system audit procedure hazard operability and what-if study procedure hazard identification and risk assessment procedure management of change procedure permit to work system safety observation audit system pre-startup safety review environment, health and safety review for greenfield expansion projects quantitative risk assessment study hazardous area classification study 100% Processes for workers to report the work-related hazards and to remove themselves from such risks Access to employees to non-occupational medical and healthcare services The Company has requisite processes in place like the joint safety committee, safety observation audit and internal | external complaint management. The employees have the requisite access to Atul Foundation Health Center for the non-occupational medical and health care services. The center is staffed with full-time doctors and round-the-clock paramedical staff and is equipped with ICU ambulance. Atul Ltd 68 Annual Report 2023-24