Atul Ltd 2023-24

11. Safety related incidents 12. Measures taken to ensure a safe and healthy workplace 13. Complaints made by employees 14. Plants and offices assessed (by the Company | statutory authorities | third-parties) 15. Provide details of any corrective action taken or underway to address safety-related incidents (if any) and on significant risks | concerns arising from assessments of health and safety practices and working conditions strengthened ‘line breaking work permit’ system implemented ‘closed solid charging’ for the identified equipment installed fall arrestor system for tanker loading and unloading operations implemented breathing air system across the identified plants Category 2023-24 2022-23 Filed Pending resolution Remarks Filed Pending resolution Remarks Workingconditions - - Not applicable - - Not applicable Health and safety - - Not applicable - - Not applicable The Company has environment, health and safety (EHS) policy. To ensure steady improvement in EHS performance, it is adopting voluntary standards such as ISO 45001. % covered 100% Health and safety practices % covered 100% Working conditions Safety incident | number Category 2023-24 2022-23 Lost time injury frequency rate (per one million-person hours worked) 0.13 - 0.1 0.05 Total recordable work-related injuries 3 10 14 16 Number of fatalities - - - 1 High consequence work-related injury or ill-health (excluding fatalities) - - - - Managers Workers conducted training on process safety testing procured ‘advanced fire tender’ for emergency response upgraded occupational health center developed guidelines for scaffolding erection and inspection Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements 69