Atul Ltd 2023-24

01. Processes for identifying key stakeholder groups of the Company 02. Key stakeholder groups and the frequency of engagement with vulnerable | marginalised groups Internal and external groups of stakeholders have been identified - they comprise employees, customers, suppliers, communities and shareholders. Businesses will respect the interests of and be responsive to all its stakeholders. PRINCIPLE 4 Essential indicators Stakeholder group Vulnerable | marginalised group Channels of communication Frequency of engagement Purpose and scope of engagement Employees No e-mails, goal setting and performance appraisal review, intranet, talks and letters of Senior Management, websites, etc ongoing business information and Company policies, career progression, ement, role rotation, training and development, etc Customers No e-mails, information on packaging, personal meetings, portal, social media, surveys, telephone, website, etc ongoing feedback, launches, products and formulations technical service, etc Suppliers No e-mails, information on packaging, personal meetings, portal, surveys, telephone, website, social media, etc ongoing feedback, requirement of materials and services, technical service, etc Government No e-mails, letters, representations, personal meetings, etc ongoing payment to exchequers, policy advocacy, statutory approvals, etc Community No meetings, visits, projects, etc ongoing education, empowerment, health, infrastructure, relief, conservation, etc Shareholders No analyst meet, annual general meeting, annual report, stock exchange intimations, newspapers, website, etc ongoing information about business and statutory approvals Leadership indicators 01. 02. 03. Business I Function heads interact with the aforesaid stakeholders and provide key updates to the Board. Environmental and social topics are reviewed and shortlisted based on the materiality study, and standard operating procedures are updated | introduced. The concerns of the vulnerable | marginalised stakeholder groups are mainly addressed by Atul Foundation Trust through six programs, namely, education, empowerment, health, infrastructure, relief and conservation. Processes for consultation between stakeholders and the Board on economic, environmental and social topics or if consultation is delegated Details of instances as to how the inputs received from stakeholders on the management of environmental and social topics were incorporated into policies and activities of the Company Details of instances of engagement with and actions taken to address the concerns of vulnerable | marginalised stakeholder groups Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements 71