Atul Ltd 2023-24

09. Waste management 2023-24 2023-24 2023-24 2022-23 2022-23 2022-23 Independent assessment | evaluation | assurance by an external agency No assessment | evaluation | assurance has been carried out by an external agency Waste disposed by nature of disposal method (in metric tonnes) Waste recovered through recycling, re-using or other recovery operations (in metric tonnes) Waste generated (in metric tonnes) Plastic waste (A) 239.20 510.30 E-waste (B) 2.92 - Bio-medical waste (C) 0.37 0.60 Construction and demolition waste (D) - - Battery waste (E) 3.38 171 numbers 4.99 173 numbers Radioactive waste (F) - - Other hazardous waste (G) 87,237.69 1,22,818.74 Other non-hazardous waste (H) 96,706.23 41,979.41 Total waste generated in tonnes 1,84,189.79 1,65,314.04 Waste intensity per rupee turnover (tonne per rupee cr) 42.26 33.05 Waste intensity per turnover adjusted for PPP (tonne per USD) Not applicable Not applicable Waste intensity per physical output (tonne per tonne) 0.38 0.36 (i) Recycled 83,054.72 1,15,310.67 (ii) Reused - - (iii) Other recovery operations - - Total 83,054.72 1,15,310.67 (i) Incineration 116.22 205.30 (ii) Landfilling 4,066.75 7,813.67 (iii) Other disposal operations - - Total 4,182.97 8,018.97 Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements 79