Atul Ltd 2023-24

No. CSR project No. of persons benefited from CSR projects % of beneficiaries from vulnerable and marginalised groups 25. Support to Kasturba Hospital, Valsad patients of south Gujarat 100% 26. Establishment of Atul Foundation Health Center patients of 10 villages - 27. Upgradation of sports infrastructure and equipment Youth of 10 villages - Relief 28. Provision of assistance to children with special needs ~100 students 100% 29. Support to patients in need 30 patients 100% Infrastructure 30. Development of community infrastructure in the village – post office and police station ~10 villages - 31. Development of community infrastructure in the village - roadside fencing 1 village - 32. Development of infrastructure in Atul and surrounding villages Atul and nearby villages 100% Conservation 33. Conservation of energy through solar energy project 1,431 individuals 100% 34. Conservation of water through various interventions 44 farmers 100% 35. Establishment of low-cost solid waste management system in villages and colleges 43 villages and 6 colleges 93,066 people ~75% 36. Initiation of natural resource management project to conserve soil and water 6 villages ~80% 37. Initiation of plastic waste management project | Ragpickers livelihood project 4 villages ~50% 38. Establishment of solid waste management system in Atul village- Ujjwal Atul project 1 village ~50% 39. Development of nature-based wastewater recycling project 2 villages 80% 40. Enhancement of green cover - tree plantation project 34,820 trees and 27,500 trees in 6 Miyawaki forests - 41. Protection of animals 41 animals 100% Atul Ltd 86 Annual Report 2023-24