Integrated Report 2023-2024

Value creation model WHAT WE DEPEND ON WHAT WE DO Businesses Aromatics Bulk Chemicals and Intermediates Colors Crop Protection - Bulk Actives Crop Protection - Retail Pharmaceuticals Polymers - Performance Materials Polymers - Retail Floras *Consolidated basis FINANCIAL CAPITAL Net worth: ` 5,089 cr CapEX: ` 345 cr Borrowings (net): nil HUMAN CAPITAL Team strength: 3,255 members Training man-hours: 49,000 hrs Safety training man-hours: 12,000 hrs INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL R&D laboratories: 10 R&D expenditure: ` 92 cr R&D team strength*: 248 MANUFACTURED CAPITAL Manufacturing and production sites*: 8 Manufacturing and production assets: ` 1,714 cr Zero liquid discharge sites*: 5 NATURAL CAPITAL Total energy consumption: 1,00,25,630 GJ (of which 1,90,286 GJ is renewable energy consumption) Total water consumption: 39,82,287 kL Solar salt consumption: 86,000 tonnes SOCIAL AND RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL CSR spent: ` 15 cr No. of customers: 4,000 No. of suppliers: 3,800 Consumer insights Innovation Sourcing Manufacturing Marketing Sales Logistics Atul Ltd 8 Integrated Report 2023-24