Integrated Report 2023-2024

VALUE WE CREATE FOR VALUE WE CREATE *Consolidated basis Revenue: ` 4,358 cr PAT: ` 385 cr RoCE: 12.52% Rate of dividend: 200% Satisfaction survey score*: 73% Positions filled internally*: 44% LTIFR (permanent team members): 0.13 Labour unrest: nil Amount saved because of of improvement in process efficiency: ` 30 cr New products developed: 47 New formulations developed: 1 Patents granted: 2 No. of products: 900 No. of formulations: 400 Industries served: 30 Countries served: 88 Water recycled: 5,61,350 kL Water harvested: 3,26,235 kL Waste recycled: 83,055 MT Value-added products from waste: 5 CSR beneficiaries: 2,20,971 Resolution of customer complaints: 83% Procurement sourced from India: 82% Sourcing by value from suppliers more than 10 years of relationship: 55% Consumers We aim to provide superior quality products and services to our consumers to meet their expectations. Customers We supply our products to customers consisting of users and channel partners (distributors and retailers) to grow their businesses (and ours). People We aim to create a safe and happy environment, reward team members fairly and provide them with opportunities to learn and grow. Suppliers and business partners We partner with suppliers and business partners for our requirement of materials and services which in turn grow their businesses (and ours). Government We contribute to the exchequers, in India and outside, through our business operations. Shareholders We strive to deliver responsible, profitable and consistent growth for our shareholders. Planet We aim to make the planet better by consistently improving our operations, amongst others, to bring down gaseous emissions, liquid effluents and solid wastes. Society We serve in particular the communities we operate in and in general the society to make a difference in the lives of people. 9 Corporate Overview Performance Overview Governance Overview