Integrated Report 2023-2024

Materiality assessment is the foundation of the environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives for our Company. It allows us to gather critical insights on the importance of specific ESG topics. We have introduced a formal process to identify material topics to help us understand those that matter the most to our Company business and stakeholders. By engaging with the stakeholders, we get diverse perspectives – this makes our ESG initiatives more impactful and relevant. Validating and reviewing the material topics We validated the final list of material topics in relevance to our business based on the criticality of impact and plotted the identified topics on a materiality matrix. We have appropriately integrated the topics into the performance management system. Prioritising the material topics The identified material topicswere thenprioritised through collective inputs from key internal and external stakeholders. Identifying the relevant topics We collated a comprehensive list of material topics based on business requirements, stakeholder concerns and peer analysis. Parnera hillock, Atul site Materiality assessment Materiality determination process In 2021-22, for the first time, we conducted materiality assessment through a structured process to capture the perspectives of all stakeholders to adopt a holistic approach towards ESG topics material to our Company. We repeated the same process in 2023-24 to obtain fresh perspectives. Atul Ltd 10 Integrated Report 2023-24