Integrated Report 2023-2024

Capitals Stakeholder engagement Operations of our Company directly or indirectly impact various sections of society. Business model of our Company places stakeholders – consumers, customers, team members, suppliers and business partners, planet, government, society and shareholders – at the core, and we endeavour to understand their evolving needs and expectations. This understanding empowers us to make informed decisions that builds trust and safeguards their interests and ensures sustained value creation across short, medium and long-term. We have identified eight stakeholder groups critical to our Company. Financial Manufactured Human Natural Intellectual Social and Relationship Consumers Customers Capital linkages Capital linkages Key interests and concerns Key interests and concerns Competitive costs On-time deliveries Product availability Product quality Sustainable products Digital transformation Knowledge support On-time deliveries Reliable services Return on investment Methods of engagement Advertisements In-person connect Product labels Technical services Website Methods of engagement CRM platform Distributor meets* Induction sessions (new distributors) In-person connect Performance reviews Frequency ongoing Frequency ongoing, once a year* Atul Ltd 12 Integrated Report 2023-24