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Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2015-16

Note 28.14 Amalgamation of Amal Ltd

The Board of Directors (Board) approved the Scheme of Amalgamation of Amal Ltd. with the Company (Scheme)

on December 05, 2014. The Board has approved a share swap ratio of 1 Equity share of the face value of



each fully paid up of Atul Ltd. for every 50 Equity shares of the face value of


10 each fully paid up of Amal Ltd.

In terms of the Scheme, the appointed date is April 01, 2014. The Scheme of Amalgamation has been awaiting

approval from Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction. Pending all other statutory approvals, no effect

to the above Scheme has been given in the Financial Statements. The impact of the Scheme on the Financial

Statement is not expected to be material.

Note 28.15 Corporate Social Responsibility

a) Gross amount required to be spent by the Company during the year is


5.14 cr

b) Amount spent during the year on:





In cash

Yet to be paid in


i) Construction | acquisition of any asset

ii) On purposes other than (i) above



Note 28.16 Exceptional items

Consequent to the capital reduction of GBP 1.05 million in Atul Europe Ltd (AEL), a wholly owned subsidiary

company of Atul Ltd, following impact has been given to the Financial Statement:





Income | (Expenses)

i) Receipt of one-time dividend


ii) Adjustment in the carrying value of investment in AEL


Net amount


Note 28.17 Regrouped | Recast | Reclassified

Figures of the earlier year have been regrouped | recast | reclassified wherever necessary.

Note 28.18 Rounding off

Figures less than


50,000 have been shown at actuals in brackets.

As per our attached report of even date

For Dalal & Shah Chartered Accountants LLP

Firm Registration Number: 102020W | W-100040

R A Shah

S S Baijal

B S Mehta

H S Shah

S M Datta

V S Rangan

M M Chitale

S A Panse

B R Arora


For and on behalf of the Board of Directors

S S Lalbhai

Chairman and Managing Director

S A Lalbhai

Managing Director


April 29, 2016

S Venkatesh


Membership Number: 037942


April 29, 2016

T R Gopi Kannan

Whole-time Director and CFO

L P Patni

Company Secretary

B N Mohanan

Whole-time Director

and President - U&S