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Page Background

Corporate Identity Serving Diverse Industries Purpose and Values Overview by the Chairman Operational Highlights Financial Analysis Research and Technology

Safety, HealthandEnvironment Serving the Society Directors’ Report Management Discussion andAnalysis Report on Corporate Governance

Financial Statements

7 Related party information:

(a) Name of related party and nature of relationship:

No Name of the related party

Description of relationship

1 Amal Limited


Associate company

2 Atul Bioscience Limited

3 Gujarat Synthwood Limited

4 AtRo Limited

5 Atul Bio Space Private Limited


Enterprise over which control exercise by key

management personnel

6 Atul Solar Private Limited

7 The Biyaban Agri Limited

8 Raja Dates Limited

9 The Aasthan Dates Limited

10 LAPOX Polymers Private Limited


Enterprise over which significant influence


11 Atul Infotech Private Limited

12 Atul (Retail) Brands Private Limited

Other related parties

13 Key management personnel

In Atul Ltd

Mr Sunil S Lalbhai

- Chairman and Managing Director

Mr Samveg A Lalbhai

- Managing Director

Mr B N Mohanan

- Wholetime Director

In Atul Europe Ltd

Mr C J Bent

- Director

14 Relatives of key management personnel

Dr Vimlaben S Lalbhai

- Mother of Mr Sunil S Lalbhai

Mrs Shreekumari Mohanan

- Wife of Mr B N Mohanan

Ms Swati S Lalbhai

- Sister of Mr Sunil S Lalbhai

Ms Nishtha S Lalbhai

- Daughter of Mr Sunil S Lalbhai

15 Welfare funds

Atul Rural Development Fund


Key management persons and employees are


Atul Kelvani Mandal

Atul Vidyalaya

Atul Club


forming part of the Consolidated accounts

