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Atul Ltd |

Annual Report 2009-10

Safety, Health and


The Company further enhanced its focus in improving its performance

in the areas of safety, health and environment, the three most vital

pillars without which a chemical company cannot sustain. In fact, these

areas have been receiving continuous attention since its inception even

before the laws were enacted.

During the year, the main thrust was on standardization

and upgradation of the documentation related to Safety,

Health and Environment and on reducing consumptions

of utilities. Substantial amounts were earmarked during

the year in projects to upgrade the existing facilities.

The Company also obtained certain clearances for

expansions of existing products as well as introduction

of new products. It also received licenses from Petroleum

and Explosive Safety Organization for storage of solvents.

Apart from the legal requirements, the Company

has successfully completed re-certification of ISO

14001:2004 (EMS) consecutively for the third term and

demonstrated six years of improvement in the area of

Environment. In the area of Safety, it received Shram

Ratna and Shram Veer awards, which are prestigious

awards, from the Government of Gujarat.

The Company took up various projects to reduce and

recover the waste | by- products from its manufacturing