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Corporate Identity Serving Diverse Industries Purpose and Values Overview by the Chairman Operational Highlights Financial Analysis Research and Technology

Safety, HealthandEnvironment Serving the Society Directors’ Report Management Discussion andAnalysis

Report on Corporate Governance

Financial Statements

1. Philosophy

Transparency and accountability are the two basic

tenets of Corporate Governance. The Company

is proud to belong to a Group whose founder

lived his life with eternal values and built the

business enterprises on the foundation of good


The Company is committed to conducting business

the right way which means taking decisions and

acting in a way that is ethical and is in compliance

with the applicable legal requirements. It will

endeavour to continuously improve its Corporate

Governance performance with an overall view to

earn trust and respect of all its stakeholders.

The Board of Directors of the Company is

responsible for and is committed to good

Corporate Governance and plays a critical role in

overseeing how the Management serves the short

and long term interests of the shareholders and

other stakeholders.

2. Board of Directors

2.1. Board Business

The normal business of the Board comprises:

2.1.01.Approving capital expenditure and operating


2.1.02.Approving the unaudited quarterly and half-

yearly financial results and the audited annual

accounts of the Company, both consolidated and

on a standalone basis including segment-wise

revenues, results and capital employed

2.1.03.Recommending | approving declaration of


2.1.04.Noting minutes of the meetings of the Board

of Directors, Audit, Shareholders’ and Investors’

Grievance Committees or any other Committee

meetings held during the year and also the

resolution passed by circulation

2.1.05.Approving Cost audit reports

2.1.06.Approving proposals for joint ventures,

collaborations, mergers and acquisitions

2.1.07. Approving loans or investment

2.1.08.Recommending appointment of statutory Auditors

and cost Auditors

2.1.09.Reviewing materially important show cause,

demand, prosecution and penalty notices

2.1.10.Reviewing fatal or serious accidents, dangerous

occurrences, any material effluent or pollution


2.1.11.Reviewing default in payment of statutory dues

2.1.12.Reviewing foreign exchange exposure and

exchange rate movement, if material

2.1.13.Approving contracts in which Director(s) are

deemed to be interested

2.1.14.Approving matters requiring statutory | Board


2.1.15.Reviewing status on compliance of regulatory |

statutory and listing requirements

2.1.16.Approving commission payable to the Directors

within limit set by shareholders

2.1.17.Noting general notices of interest of the Directors

2.1.18.Approving sale of investments and assets

2.1.19.Approving borrowings in nature of short term,

medium term or long term

2.1.20.Approving creation of charge on assets of the

Company in favour of lenders

2.2. Appointment and Tenure

2/3rd of the Directors are rotational Directors.

1/3rd of rotational Directors retire in every Annual

General Meeting (AGM) and if eligible offer

themselves for reappointment. The Chairman and

Managing Director, the Managing Director and

the Whole time Director are appointed by the

Members for a period of five years.

2.3. Composition, Name, Other Directorships |

Committee Memberships

The Board comprises experts drawn from diverse

fields| professions. It consists of ten Members

(including one Alternate Director), comprising