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Page Background

Corporate Identity Serving Diverse Industries Purpose and Values

Overview by the Chairman

Operational Highlights Financial Analysis Research and Technology

Safety, HealthandEnvironment Serving the Society Directors’ Report Management Discussion andAnalysis Report on Corporate Governance Financial Statements

5) Profit before tax at Rs 80 crores was higher by

Rs 34 crores

6) Profit after tax at Rs 53 crores was higher by Rs 17 crores

7) Net Cash-flow from operating activities was Rs 106 crores

8) Borrowing came down from Rs 368 crores to

Rs 295 crores



saw a significant improvement over the previous

year mainly because of the substantially lower impact on

account of adverse foreign exchange and lower interest cost.

Our Company has the distinction of never skipping the


since it began its operations in 1952 except in

1999-2000. On behalf of the Board, I had in the Annual

General Meeting held on August 18, 2000 indicated to

the shareholders that the skipped dividend will be made

good, and I am happy to state that the Directors have

recommended a higher dividend of 40% in step with the

verbal declaration.

We brought down our

capital expenditure

during the year

and instead undertook relatively smaller, but several projects

of improvements; as against an outflow of Rs 72 crores in the

previous year, our Company spent only Rs 21 crores during

the year. These projects will further strengthen our long-term

competitiveness and improve sales and profit.


potential of our Company

is much in excess of what

we have been able to deliver, and my colleagues and I are

fully seized of this reality. Coupled with this, we are also clear

that even in the depth of crisis, there are silver linings in the

form of opportunities for internal improvement and growth,

and we are working to realise them.



, we will continue with our long-term

agenda and undertake several initiatives under 6 broad

areas: i) improving efficiencies and productivity, ii) expanding

existing products and introducing new value added products,

iii) bringing down gaseous, liquid and solid pollutants, iv)

making businesses more systems-driven, v) serving the society

and vi) enhancing people competencies. We are certain these

initiatives will significantly enhance our performance and help

us in accessing different opportunities for rapid growth in the

years ahead. In essence, we are working to further leverage

the internal possibilities for generating surplus cash-flows.

Our Company at present has four

overseas subsidiary


, one each in the USA, the UK, Germany and

China. Since my last communication to you, we have taken

effective steps in




which may ultimately

lead to the formation of two more overseas subsidiary

companies. Asia and South America are growing rapidly, and

we will participate more than ever before in these areas.

In order to pursue opportunities in healthcare space in a

focused way, our Company has established an associate


Atul Bioscience Ltd

. It owns the manufacturing

facilities at Valsad site which earlier belonged to a multi-

national pharmaceutical company. Atul Bioscience is

investing Rs 15 crores to resurrect these facilities, which are

expected to be commissioned before the end of 2010-11.

Atul Rajasthan Date Palms Ltd

, a subsidiary joint venture

company with 74% shareholding by our Company and 26%

by the Government of Rajasthan, will commission the largest

facility in India to produce tissue cultured date palms. This is

a pioneering initiative taken up to help transform the ecology

and the economy of the arid regions.

Our Company was founded by

Mr Kasturbhai Lalbhai


one of the foremost Indians of his times and whose life

epitomized exemplary leadership with a strong social

purpose. He established Atul on September 15, 1947 with

the ultimate objective of fulfilling the then priorities of

making India self-reliant, generating large scale employment

and creating wealth in rural areas. Since inception, our

Company has pursued business with a larger purpose, and I

am happy to inform you that in order to keep a track of the

social work initiatives more formally, we have commenced

reviewing them every month as though it was one of our


We are working to make Atul more customer focused,

efficient, growth seeking, knowledge intensive, people

oriented and community sensitive and thus reinforce its

foundation for the future. In this pursuit, we will change and

also make change happen. What will remain constant are our


, which will bind us together and bring unity

in diversity.

With best wishes,


Sunil S Lalbhai

Chairman and Managing Director