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Corporate Identity Serving Diverse Industries Purpose and Values Overview by the Chairman Operational Highlights Financial Analysis Research and Technology

Safety, HealthandEnvironment Serving the Society Directors’ Report Management Discussion andAnalysis Report on Corporate Governance

Financial Statements

As per our attached report of even date

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors

For Dalal and Shah

Firm Registration No 102020W

G S Patel

Sunil S Lalbhai

Chartered Accountants

B S Mehta

Chairman and Managing

H S Shah


S M Datta

S Venkatesh

R A Shah


T R Gopi Kannan V S Rangan

Samveg A Lalbhai

Membership No 037942

President, Finance and

B N Mohanan

Managing Director


Company Secretary



July 19, 2010

July 19, 2010

20 Included under loan and advances is an amount of Rs 21.29 crores given to an associate company. The said Company

is registered under BIFR and is in the process of implementing its revival plan. First charge over all their assets have

been assigned exclusively in favour of the Company. Considering present market value of assets, this amount is

considered as good and recoverable.

21 The Company has revalued (i) Leasehold land and (ii) Commercial land and building at Ahmedabad, Mumbai and

Delhi as at March 31, 2008 at fair market value as determined by an independent valuer appointed for the purpose.

Resultant increase in book value amounting to Rs 107.47 crores has been transferred to Revaluation Reserve.

22 With effect from April 01, 2009 the Company has implemented Oracle as ERP platform and the valuation of

inventories is done on the basis of Moving Weighted Average Method instead of FIFO | YTD average basis applied

in the earlier years. The impact on profits due to this change is not material.

23 Decline in value of a certain long term investment, considered as temporary in nature, has not been recognised and

accordingly, no provision for diminution in value has been made (see Schedule 6, page 46 I 47)

24 Previous year's figures have been regrouped wherever necessary.

25 Figures less than Rs 50,000 has been shown at actual in bracket as the figures have been rounded off to nearest lacs.




forming part of the accounts